Management Window - Information Tabs


The first field in Details is Location. This is a mandatory field and is the link to the Locations Names table, in OH&S Framework | Validation Tables | Locations | Location Names.

If you have the appropriate security permissions, you can add a new Management entry.

  1. Click Add New: The Add New button
  2. Add Location – select an existing location, or if you have the appropriate security permissions you can add a new location: click the drop-down arrow for Location and select <<Add New>>. Complete the relevant details.
  3. Ensure you select the correct Parent Location – this dictates its position in the tree structure, throughout OHS.

Addresses & Phones

Use Add New to search for existing addresses or phone numbers and apply these to the new location, or an existing location.

  • Use Edit to modify a current address or phone number.
  • Use Delete to remove the current address or phone number.

The address and phone details are stored in the OHS Validation Tables.

Policies & Procedures

In this tab you upload and store policy and procedure information for the current location. You can choose to display a list of all the stored documents or a list of stored images only. Note the option buttons at the top of the window, for All Documents and Images Only:

The window to view either Documents or Images only

Note that only the Details tab is operational at present. This window is described fully in Document Window.


Use this tab to view staff, or add new staff names to a location. View Management Window - Personnel Tab for complete information.


In this tab you can add Personnel to the Committees at the current location.

  1. Click Add New – this will open the Committees window
  2. Personnel is the only mandatory field. To search for the person you want to add to the Health & Safety Committee at this location, click browse.
    This will open the Search in Contacts/Employees window, as for the Personnel tab. Some of the people listed here are not employees. This is because your Health & Safety Committee may include members who are external to your organisation. For example, this might be a Worksafe specialist, a Medical Practitioner, or a Materials specialist appropriate to materials handled within your organisation.
  3. A committee role can be defined, but is not mandatory. However, if a role is assigned you must include a start date.

User Defined Fields

You may create any new field that is appropriate to Management OH&S. To create UDFs, see User Defined Fields (UDFs). Also see User Defined Fields within OHS for more specific information.


Occasionally information may be displayed erroneously in Management. To fix this, log out and back in to refresh the tree correctly. This appears to happen only when you make changes to the tree, such as adding new Locations or changing the Reports To of an existing location etc. This is a known issue that will be resolved in a forthcoming version of HR3pay - OHS.


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